~ R Y A N G W I N N E R P R E S S ~
Old School Offset Printing
Offset printing has been around for over 100 years. The term "Offset" gets its name from when the plate cylinder which holds the image does not come in contact with the paper. |
The first step in the offset process is to create a negative from the original art. From this negative, a printing metal or paper plate is then made. |
Paper is loaded into the feeder system which is responsible for making sure paper runs through the press correctly. The "fountain solution" and ink rollers are then adjusted. |
The plate is then attached to the plate cylinder. Finally the blanket and impression cylinders are used to transfer the image to the substrate running through the press. |
The delivery system is the final destination in the printing process while the paper runs through the press. Once the paper reaches delivery, it is stacked for the ink to cure in a proper manner. |
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